A Very Useful Short Forms and Abbreviations for Students of Education, B.Ed., D.El.Ed., M.Ed. - Benami Diary

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

A Very Useful Short Forms and Abbreviations for Students of Education, B.Ed., D.El.Ed., M.Ed.

Commonly Used Abbreviations and short forms in the field of  Education

AICTE : All India Council for Technical Education
AISHE : All India Survey on Higher Education
AIU : Association of Indian Universities
API : Academic Performance Index
ASER : Annual Status of Education Report
AYUSH : Ayurveda, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy System
BCI : Bar Council of India
B.Ed. : Bachelor of Education
B.A. : Bachelor of Arts
B.Sc. : Bachelor of Science
B. Pharma : Bachelor of Pharmacy
BRCs : Block Resource Centres
CABE : Central Advisory Board of Education
CBSE : Central Board of Secondary Education
CCE : Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
CCH : Central Council of Homeopathy
CCIM : Central Council of Indian Medicines
CEHE : Council for Excellence in Higher Education
COA : Council of Architecture
CLASS : Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools
CSO : Central Statistical Office
CSIR : Council for Scientific and Industrial Research
CWSN : Children with Special Needs
DCI : Dental Council of India
DEC : Distance Education Council
DEO : District Education Officer
DIET : District Institute of Education and Training
DISE : District Information System for Education
U-DISE : Unified District Information System for Education
DPEO : District Primary Education Officer
DPEP : District Primary Education Programme
ECCE : Early Childhood Care and Education
EGS : Education Guarantee Scheme
FIDC : Faculty Induction Development Cell
GDP : Gross Domestic Product
GER : Gross Enrolment Ratio
GIS : Geographic Information System
HEIs : Higher Education Institutions
ICAR : Indian Council of Agricultural Research
ICDS : Integrated Child Development Services
ICSE : Indian Certificate of Secondary Education
ICT : Information and Communications Technology
IEC : Indian Education Service
IEDSS : Inclusive Education for Disabled at Secondary Stage
IGNOU : Indira Gandhi National Open University
IME : Institute of Management and Engineering
INC : Indian Nursing Council
IISc : Indian Institute of Science
IIT : Indian Institute of Technology
IITB : Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
IITD : Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi
IITM : Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
IIIT : Indian Institute of Information Technology
IT : Information and Technology
IPRC : Identification, Placement and Review Committee
IQA : Internal Quality Assurance
IRAHE : Indian Regulatory Authority for Higher Education
JNVs : Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalayas
JSS : Jana Sikshan Sansthan
KVS : KendriyaVidyalayaSangathan
MCI : Medical Council of India
MCQs : Multiple Choice Questions
MDMS : Mid Day Meal Scheme
MGDS : Millennium Development Goals
MHRD : Ministry of Human Resource Development
MIC : Modern Indian Language
MI : Micronutrient
MME : Monitoring, Management and Evaluation
MOOCs : Massive Open Online Courses
MSDE : Ministry for Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
MWCD : Ministry of Women and Child Development
NAA : National Accreditation Agency
NAAC : National Assessment and Accreditation Council
NAEP : National Adult Education Programme
NAS : National Assessment Survey
NBA : National Board of Accreditation
NCVT : National Council for Vocational Training
NCERT : National Council for Educational Research and Training
NCFTE : National Curriculum Framework for Teacher Education
NCTE : National Council for Teacher Education
NER : Net Enrolment Ratio
NET : National Eligibility Test
NGO : Non Governmental Organisation
NIOS : National Institute of Open Schooling
NIT : National Institute of Technology
NLM : National Literacy Mission
NLHE : National Law for Higher Education
NPE : National Policy on Education
NPNSPE : National Programme of Nutritional Support to Primary Education
NRAHE : National Regulatory Authority for Higher Education
NSDA : National Skill Development Agency
NSDC : National Skill Development Corporation
NSQF : National Skills Qualification Framework
NUEPA : National University of Educational Planning and Administration
NVS : Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti
ODL : Open and Distance Learning
OECD : Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
PCI : Pharmacy Council of India
PTR : Pupil Teacher Ratio
PWD : Persons with Disabilities
Ph.D. : Doctor of Philosophy
QCI : Quality Council of India
RCI : Rehabilitation Council of India
RFLP : Rural Functional Literacy Project
RMSA : Rashtriya Madhyamik Shiksha Abhiyan
RTE : Right to Education
RUSA : Rashtriya Uchchatar Shiksha Abhiyan
SC : Scheduled Castes
SCERT : State Council of Educational Research and Training
SDGs : Sustainable Development Goals
SDCF : Single Data Capture Format
SET : State Eligibility Test
SIET : State Institute of Education Technology
SMCs : School Management Committees
SOUS : State Open Universities
SRCs : State Resource Centres
SSA : Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan
SSC : Sector Skill Council
ST : Scheduled Tribes
STC : Special Training Centres
TET : Teacher Eligibility Test
TLC : Total Literacy Campaign
TLF : Three Language Formula
TPs : Training Providers
UGC : University Grants Commission
UPSC : Union Public Service Commission
VET : Vocational Education and Training

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